SenixBand aims at keeping you or your loved ones safe by automatically detecting a fall and alerting your emergency contact instantly. We realize that in many situations; it is not possible to press a push-button once you have fallen, which unfortunately is what a majority of the products currently on the market do.
We know how nerve-racking it can be to experience a fall, especially when help is a long way away. A single fall can impact our lives, affect our self-confidence, and possibly cause life-threatening injuries. Whether you or your loved one have experienced a fall before or not, falls and loss of balance can induce chronic stress and mental fatigue.
Platform | RTOS, Linux |
Programming Language | C, C++, Python, Shell Script |
Tools & Hardware | Arduino, Nordic, ARM, STM |
Protocols | UART, SPI, I2C, CAN, ETHERNET |
Connectivity | Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, BLE, NFC, LTE |